Profile PictureMadeline G Lee

Billionaire's Toy

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Billionaire's Toy


As I tried to focus my vision on that person through the crack of the curtains, my whole world shattered just in a few minutes. The room was dark, but the light coming from the lamp on the side of the bed made me believe my eyes were not lying.

The echoes of his groans reached my ears and made me weak in my knees. My chest was feeling the pain as if many bullets were being shot right into me. My heart suddenly felt suffocated, and tears were effortlessly rolling down my cheeks, giving me unbearable pain.

“Wider—open your legs wider, bit*h.”

His words made bile rise in my throat, ready to throw up, which I immediately prevented by putting my palm over my mouth.

“Aaaaannhhhhhhh, yessssss, thereeeee, f*ckk meee.”

The girl on all fours, taking him inside her from behind, moaned back in response. Her hair was tied in a tight ponytail, her chest partially exposed from that revealing black corset, and his hand on her lower back with his fingers hooked in the lining of her underwear to keep it at the side, enough to tell me who she was.

“Isn’t it your wedding day tomorrow?”

Hearing her words, my stomach tightened badly, and more tears started falling from my eyes.

How could he even do this? Was he playing with me all this time? Those roses, those texts, those dates were all just to make me and my family fools?

He landed a tight spank on her bare back, and she winced in a painful moan.


My feet shook as I tried to take a step away from the window of the room.

“It is, but who cares about that little damsel in distress?”

He groaned and held her ponytail in his fist to pull her head back while thrusting harder into her.

“Come for me, you little bit*h. Tell me you are all mine.”

These words were the last thing I wanted to hear.

“Ahhhh, yessss, I am all yourssss.”

She moaned back, and I broke into a thousand more cries. I moved my steps back, not knowing what the hell I should do now. My father’s condition had worsened. We don’t have many days left.

And I couldn’t marry this man knowing what was ahead for me.

My future was clear before my eyes. In those five minutes, I realised what he thought of me. In those six months, he was just after my billion-dollar heritage.

What a clever man he was. He had his own billion-dollar company, but still, through this alliance, he only wanted to direct the funds from my father’s company to his.

And he used my father’s deteriorating health to his advantage. The marriage proposal, the drama of falling in love with me.

‘How could I be such a fool to fall into his trap? How could you be such a fool, Rosaline? How could you be such a bait for him? And how the hell am I going to tell this to my father?’ I chastised myself in my mind.

I did not know, but I had to do something to protect the years-old lineage of my family. I wanted to run away from him, but where would I go now?

With my tearful vision, I stumbled upon a man while running from there.


He said, and I immediately pulled myself back and started wiping my tears.

“I am sorry, I am sorry, I am so so sorry.”

My tears turned into a whole river, and I did not know why I was feeling so heavy in my chest, and my voice sounded shaky and scared.

“Hey, calm down. What happened? Are you okay? Are you looking for someone? Where are your parents?”

I felt his hand on my shoulder, and I immediately jerked away from his hold.

“What do I look like to you? A child?”

My voice was shaky and breathless, and I fell on my knees, all broken.

My whole life was ruined into thousands of pieces.

“Calm down.”

His voice traveled down in my ear, and I hiccuped badly. My tearful gaze landed upon the handkerchief he forwarded, and I hesitated to take it, shaking my head slowly.

“Come with me,”

He said and held my wrist gently to help me stand up on my own feet, and I felt even more vulnerable.

“You found him cheating on you, right?”

His words cut through the painful silence of the gallery, and I felt a frightening shiver running down my spine. I lifted my gaze to look at his face only to see his gray eyes looking back at me.

“How do you know?”

The words escaped through my lips effortlessly while staring at his thick and long eyebrows, sharp jaw, and beautiful, dark pink-colored full lips.

“It's my party, and he is my biggest competitor.”

He said, and I felt a knot forming in my stomach after listening to his low, deep, and hoarse voice. My eyebrows thinned into a line as I tried to remember his background a little, but before I could, he said,

“Dominic Martinez.”

I lowered my gaze to look at his hand waiting for my hand to shake, and suddenly, I felt smaller.

Smaller in size, smaller in wealth, smaller in power, and smaller in every sense available to compare myself with.

Inhaling a sharp breath invisibly, I forwarded my hand which was sweating due to the nervousness and fright, and looked at him. He turned it a little, rubbing his thumb slowly on the back of my hand and leaning in to kiss my knuckles.

“Ros…Rosaline Anderson,”

I managed to say and tried to pull my hand away slowly because the touch of his lips made me feel even weaker in my knees.

“Come with me,”

He said, and I felt him wrapping his warm coat around my shoulders. I inhaled sincerely, trying to calm my sobs down.

We passed through the gallery with him leading us to the balcony. The night had grown darker and the weather chilly. I looked at him pulling the chair for me, and I slowly lowered myself onto it. My fingers were shaking at that moment. I had just seen my fiancé cheating on me just a day before our wedding.

My father was in a wheelchair waiting for me to get married and see his billion-dollar empire going into the right hands before he finally gave up on his fight with cancer.

“It's your wedding tomorrow, right?”

His voice caught my attention, and I saw him sitting across from me.

“Yes, thank you for reminding me,”

I said and let the fresh tears roll down my cheeks. What the hell should I do now? Should I tell my father that I could not marry him? But it would make him furious, and he would lose the leftover hope he had in me.

He pushed the glass of water towards me, and I gulped down the whole glass after wrapping my fingers around it.

“You have to calm down.”

He said, and his words were making me even more tense. I nodded slightly and thought of the possibilities available to me at that moment.

I could not marry him. Not after seeing that side of him. He did not care about me. He only cared for the company all this while, and no doubt he would be a perfect heir for the company, but that did not mean I would be able to make a future with him even after knowing that he could be unfaithful.

That only means I need to find someone else to marry me and take over the company. But finding someone demands time, and I did not have the time. The doctors reminded me about the shortage of time again and again, but my father was not ready to sign the will until he sees my husband.

I needed a husband.

My nerves swelled up with desperation, and suddenly his voice again caught my attention.

“Should I drive you home, Miss Rosaline?”

He asked while checking the time on his mobile phone, and I looked up at the stars shining brightly. Exhaling deeply, I tried to think of anything that might work in my favor.

And suddenly, the thought came to my mind.

“Will you marry me?”

I asked bluntly and looked at him, who looked at me with wide eyes.


He questioned, and I immediately palmed my face with shame.

“I am sorry, I am sorry, I am so sorry. I shouldn't have said that,”

I started to apologize while shaking my head.

“I am sorry. But, my father is dying, and he is so desperate to pass his heritage to a person who can handle this. I am sorry for sounding so… desperate,”

I tried to say, and he replied dryly.

“I don’t do marriages.”

My voice got trapped in my throat, and I bit my lower lip, feeling ashamed of what I said and shook my head.

“I am sorry. Consider as if I didn't say anything,”

I tried to say and stood up to go, but he inhaled deeply and proposed.

“We can negotiate.”

His words made absolutely no sense to me, and I slowly sat back and asked,

“What do you mean?”

He clicked his tongue and leaned forward, placing his hands on the table while undoing his cufflinks and rolling up his white shirt sleeves to reveal his forearms.

“Kellen Sinclair is my enemy in the business. I want to rule the industry, and you want to ruin his life. His business is his life. With you pulling out the investments by not marrying him will strengthen my position. And, in return, I will pass on the whole heritage of your father to you. That means you get your company, and I get what I want.”

He said, and I inhaled deeply after listening to him carefully.

“But you said you don’t do marriages.”

I reminded him, and he nodded.

“Yes, that's why we are going to sign the contract and get rid of each other after six months. You will be free with your company in your own hands, and I will be free of my competitor, and Kellen Sinclair will be ruined to ashes.”

He said, and I shook my head a little.

“I cannot run a company. My education is not completed yet,”

I tried to say in a slow voice, feeling embarrassed to accept it.

“Wait! How old are you?”

He asked, lifting his brows, and I blinked nervously while answering in a shaky voice.

“Nineteen in two months.”

I saw his eyes turning from natural to dark in a matter of a few seconds. He inhaled deeply while leaning back against the chair and looked away from me with a slight smile on his face.

“Wow, you are very young.”

He said, and I felt weak in my knees.

“I am not a child. I am a teenager. I am going to be an independent woman. It's just for the sake of the company, I am getting married at an early age,”

I tried to say, and he brought his gaze back to me, leaned forward again on the table, and looked intensely into my eyes while shaking his head slowly.

“So, you agree?”

He asked, and I felt my heartbeats racing wildly and my body felt colder than before. I gulped looking into his grey eyes, feeling smaller than ever. His aura screamed authority, power, and destruction. And I tried to say,

“I have three questions.”

He inhaled deeply and nodded.

“Bring it on.”

Sucking on my lower lip, I tried to ask the very first one.

“What will my father think of this sudden change of plans?”

He raised an eyebrow and replied,

“He doesn’t need to know the details of our agreement. We can present it as a love-at-first-sight scenario, something that gives him peace in his final days.”

I nodded slightly, considering his words, and asked my second question.

“What will happen after six months? Will I be able to handle the company on my own?”

He sighed and replied,

“We will ensure you have a team in place that can help you transition into your role. I will also provide assistance until you are confident enough to take over completely.”

Taking a deep breath, I asked the final question.

“And what about… us? How do we handle our personal lives during these six months?”

He leaned back and crossed his arms, his gaze never leaving mine.

“We maintain a professional relationship in public and keep our personal lives separate. We will appear as a united front for the sake of your father and the company, but our private lives will be our own.”

I nodded slowly, processing everything he had said. The plan seemed logical, but the emotional toll it would take on me was something I couldn’t ignore.

“Alright, I agree,”

I finally said, my voice barely above a whisper.


He replied, standing up and extending his hand.

“We will draft the contract tomorrow and go over the details. For now, let’s get you home.”

I took his hand, and he helped me up. As we walked through the gallery, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread mixed with relief. My life was about to change drastically, and I only hoped I was making the right decision for myself and my father.

The night was quiet as we drove back to my home. Dominic’s presence was both comforting and intimidating. He was a man of power, and I was stepping into a world I barely understood.

As we arrived, he walked me to the door and said,

“Get some rest, Rosaline. Tomorrow is a new beginning.”

I nodded and entered the house, feeling a mix of exhaustion and determination. I had to be strong for my father and for the future of our company.


Only for 18+ Audience

Copyright @ 2024

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